Thursday, September 27, 2012

What Can You Do in Art?

   There are so many things to do in art. Art is not just picking up a piece of paper and pencil and start drawing. In art you can paint a canvas and have a beautiful picture on it or just sketch. Art is all about using your imagination! You can draw anything you like that inspires you. What inspires you to draw? What things do you like to draw?

  Art inspires me because of my mom. She is an amazing artist! I learned most of my art skills from her and now I can draw almost like her! Things I like to do in art are painting canvases. Canvas are thick white cloth that you can draw on and then paint on. Here is one of my canvases! How do you like it?
Please be sure to to answer the 3 questions throughout my post!


  1. That is a very beautiful painting! Where do you get all your supplies such as the canvas?

  2. Wow that is gorgeous, do you have any other pretty canvases? I did something like that before. How do you make those fragile curves in the painting? Please reply.

    1. Thanks Maansi! I have made many canvases that you will see throughout the year. I'm sure that the painting you made came out great! Bye for now!

  3. I get my materials from a store named Michaels. They have many art supplies such as paint, brushes, and the canvas. Also, canvas range in many sizes.

  4. That is really pretty Jenna, and I get inspired by my mom too!
    What I like to paint and stretch are living things like animals and breath-taking scenary, because of the vivid strokes and textures. What do you like to draw?
    Please reply and bye!
