Today we are going to learn how to draw a cartoon dolphin in only seven steps. It is a quick and easy drawing to do and very cute as well. It's a great thing to draw with only a few materials.
First, draw the body of the dolphin. It looks almost like a rain drop but it is slanted. Draw it large because how big you draw it depends on how big you want your dolphin to be.
Next, draw the dolphins head, nose, and beak. From the round side of the "rain drop," draw a line curving out which connects to the dolphins beak.
In addition, draw an eye on the round part of the "rain drop." Also, draw a small smile by the beak.
Furthermore, draw two fins from the middle of the "rain drop." One fin should be from your angle and the other should be at the angle from the other side.
More importanly, draw the dorsal fin on top which is almost like a curved triangle.
Now, you can draw the fin which is like two curved triangles facing down and touching each other.
In summation, erase all the unneeded lines like the lines in step one. When it is finished, it should look like the picture below.
Do you remember when you were small and you asked your parents for those little scratch pads where you draw on it by scratching it? Well, there is no point of buying it at the store anymore because you can make it with only a few materials that are easily found around the house!
Oil Pastels
Black Acrylic Paint
Paint Brush
Scratch Knife
First, take a pencil and draw lines going straight anywhere on the paper. They have to go across the whole paper. You can draw the lines diagonal, up and down, or side to side. You can make it look like a checker board too! Next, you need to color with the oil pastels. Color each place with a different color so none of the same colors are touching. You can also use a pattern to color like green, blue, green, blue, e.t.c. When you color, you should have no white spaces at all because when you scratch it off, it will look white instead of the colors you chose. Color the whole paper.
Now comes the really exciting part! You need to take the black paint and paint it on top of the paper. The whole paper should be filled with black paint so it is all black and no colored spaces. Furthermore, let it dry completely. When it is completely dry, you can take the scratch knife and scratch off any design you like. While you are scratching, you should notice that the colors you chose under the black paint is the colors that appear when you scratch.
I'm back! This blog post is very special because its my first blog post of 2013 and I find this project really cool! It a marvelous gift too! This would be a great gift for your teachers too! All you need is a few materials:
A white candle (any size)
Tissue paper
A stamp (its length should be about the same as the candle)
Decorations (Ribbons, scrapbook paper, e.t.c.)
Heat Gun or a Hair Dryer
First, take the tissue paper and cut it about the size of the width of the candle. Next, take your stamp and put it on the ink so you can stamp it. Rub it on the ink smoothly so the stamp comes out fully colored and moist. Stamp it on to the tissue paper a few times so the whole tissue paper is stamped. Don't worry if it overlaps. In addition, take the candle and lay it down in the middle of the tissue paper and wrap the tissue paper around the candle. More importantly, take the heat gun or your hair dryer and turn it on. (if you have a blow dryer, then turn it on HIGH) Blow it on to the tissue paper so the design would melt onto the candle. You will be able to see the wax melting a little but let it melt. Keep doing this until the tissue sticks to the candle.
Furthermore, you can add decorations to it. This is just an idea. You can cut scrapbook paper to fit around the candle and tape it or glue it on top of the tissue paper. You can also tie a ribbon on top of the scrapbook paper so it looks more fancy! Just use your imagination for how to design it.