- Paper
- Pencil
- Eraser

First, draw the body of the dolphin. It looks almost like a rain drop but it is slanted. Draw it large because how big you draw it depends on how big you want your dolphin to be.

Next, draw the dolphins head, nose, and beak. From the round side of the "rain drop," draw a line curving out which connects to the dolphins beak.

In addition, draw an eye on the round part of the "rain drop." Also, draw a small smile by the beak.

More importanly, draw the dorsal fin on top which is almost like a curved triangle.
Now, you can draw the fin which is like two curved triangles facing down and touching each other.
In summation, erase all the unneeded lines like the lines in step one. When it is finished, it should look like the picture below.

Hey, Jenna I love your post and I actually tried it! But I don't think I did it right, since the pictures did show. Do you know what happened? Other than that, wonderful post!!!!!!!!!!!!