Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Huge Snowflake!

Hey guys! There is just a few more days until winter but it hasn't even snowed yet over here! Well lets get in the wintry mood and make it snow inside your home! Today we are going to learn how to make a huge snowflake!. It's not just an ordinary snowflake that you cut out. This is extraordinary! All you need is a few materials:

  • Six sheets of paper (9x12)
  • Scissor
  • Stapler
  • Tape
  • Pencil
Now we are ready to start! First, you need take the top right hand corner and bring it down to make it align with the left hand corner. It is going to make the paper into a square shape instead of a rectangle. Once you are done, it will look like a triangle and please don't open it up. This step is almost like when you make a fortune teller and make the paper into a square. You need to do it with all six pieces of paper.

Furthermore, take one of the pieces of paper and fold it into a smaller triangle. Basically, just fold it in half. Please do this with all pieces of papers. Next, hold the paper so it is a right angle on the left side. With a pencil, draw a line about half an inch apart from the area where there is no right angle. Make sure it is going diagonal. Stop about 1/4 of an  inch away from the tip. Keep on making lines but make each one shorter and shorter as they go. In total, there should be three lines on each paper.

In addition, you need to cut on each of these lines. After you have done that, open one up. Take the small cuts that are in the middle and fold both of them inwards and then tape them together. Next, turn your paper around and do the same with the next cuts. Keep doing this with all of the cuts but make sure that you do each cut a different side so when you tape one, turn the paper over and do with the next one, and then turn the paper over again. Do this to all six papers.

In summation, we need to staple these together to make one large snowflake. Take all of the six papers and hold them together in one hand so all of them are facing down. Staple it where you hand is or the part where all papers meet. Next, staple each two papers and staple it together where both of the tape parts meet. Do this with each one so it stays keep.

For a clear visual, please watch the video below:


  1. The font color you use for your passage is harsh on the eyes and I struggle to see the word. Stick with one color font that is compatible to the background, otherwise, this is really good and I like how you added a video and visuals.

  2. Amazing technic of paper work.. my kid will have this video on tab and today we will amke this at our home... i will see how its goes with him....
