Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Paper Wreath!

  Hey guys! I'm back! It's finally December and the holidays are almost here! Today we are going to get in the holiday mood and learn how to make a beautiful paper wreath! You can hang this anywhere like your front door or window! All you need is a few materials:
  • A 9x18 sheet of green construction paper
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • stapler
  • pencil
  • Paper of any size or color for decorations on the wreath
   Now we are ready to start! First of all, you need to fold the green paper in half hot dog style. Once you have done that, you need to go to the long side of the paper where the crease or fold is NOT there. Take the ruler and mark 1-2 inches to the left with the pencil. Make a line going vertically down the long side. This line will be the "no cutting zone" on another step. In addition, on the line you made, make tic marks after every half an inch. Also, do the same on the crease. Next, draw a straight line connecting each tic mark. Now, on the lines you just made, cut on top of it but don't cut past the "no cutting zone" which I said earlier.
When you are done cutting, it should look like this. Furthermore,  you have to open it up and put both ends together so it almost looks like a tube. More importantly, to keep this together, you need to staple it. You can staple it one from the bottom, one on the top and two in between. Now, your tube would stay straight.

In addition, to make it easier later on, you can kind of crease the side where the cut stops like this.

Next, you have to staple both ends together so it almost looks like a wreath or a circle.
In summation, you can draw and cut bows and berries from the other paper you had. After, you can staple them on. Have fun making your wreath and Happy Holidays!



  1. Thats really nice! I once bought a wreath for like $10 but thank god I dont have to pay for this! Thanks for putting this post! I love it!

  2. Wow!! I should make this for Christmas!!! How did you get the idea of making this?

    P.S. :
    very nice, creative, cool, Christmasy post!!!!

  3. perfect pease of artwork on paper.. i am thinking to make this by me onlyl on my son birthday to surprise him ..... possiblity of g making video on this ?

    1. I don't have a video but you can follow the instructions.
